Express your Soul

Light Language Activation Workshop 

Book Now for the Glastonbury Workshop

How does your Soul communicate with you?


How does your soul communicate with you? 

Our souls are always looking for ways to communicate with us in a way that our human understands. 

This two and a half introductory session will enhance your soul’s connection with you, and will awaken new pathways of expression, clearing away blocks, and bringing you more awareness of your multi-dimensional self so that you can live your most joyful life. 

Developing your Light Language will assist you to embody your unique soul expression, expanding your clarity around your soul purpose as well as facilitating quantum shifts in your healing and transformation.

In this workshop, we explore how souls communicate, and will play with Light Language and Light Codes, using:

The Voice – we will be opening the throat chakra to allow your soul voice to emerge.

You will be able to experiment with speaking, signing and drawing symbols and Light Codes. 


What this course will do for you

Empower your voice and align you with the powerful expression of your authentic self

Activate your portals to bring through Light Language, Light Codes and the language of your Soul

Provide activations and practice so that you can explore how your Soul communicates with you

Build strong pathways of communication with your Soul for clear guidance in your life

Deepen your understanding of who you are multidimensionally

Activate your sacred gifts to share with the world

And much more.


What is Light Language?

Light language is the language of your soul.  It is a form of communication from one soul to another and is received by the heart and soul in a way that bypasses the conscious mind.   

Light language comes from the higher vibrational aspects of us, in other dimensions and timelines.

When you communicate using the language of your soul, it may be spoken, written codes, drawings, paintings or hand movements. 


What is included in the workshop?

  • We will channel two activations and transmissions using light language
  • A workbook containing the symbols and codes with a brief outline of the intention of the activation. Space for you to reflect on your experience.
  • We will download a transmission that will help you to integrate the learnings of the workshop.
  • Audio recordings of the activations and final integration transmissions
  • Follow up ‘practice’ sessions whereby you can meet with other people who are opening to the language of their soul and have fun expressing yourself with each other. The frequency of these sessions will be agreed with group members.


The Workshop is open to all

You will receive exactly what your human is ready to receive at this stage in your journey.

Please note that unfortunately most venues are not wheelchair accessible now.  We will continue to seek future venues that are.

Join us:

In Glastonbury: Sunday 8th December 10am to 1230pm. 

At: The Red Brick Building, Morland Enterprise Park, Morland Road, Northover, Glastonbury BA6 9FT



Workshops facilitated by Karen Goodson, Sanctuary for the Soul and Julie Ferris, Quantum Parenting.

Coming soon, more workshops in Stroud, Shaftsbury and Frome. If you are interested in joining the waiting list for these workshops, please email Julie or Karen on the links below! 

Book Now for the Glastonbury Workshop

We are looking forward to co-creating with you!


To enquire about further Express your Soul Light Language Activation Workshops or to enquire about 1-1 sessions, contact us at:

[email protected]


[email protected]